Renewable Energy Is Our Savior

This web site cites a Department of Energy forecast that renewable energy sources (excluding hydro and nuclear) will supply 4.2% of our energy by 2030, up from 3%.  I’m still trying to track down the actual report.

How are other countries doing?

Germany is #1 in generation from wind and is considered to be significantly ahead of the US, although the US has surpassed Spain as #2.  As of 2007, Germany produced about 22,000 MW of electricity via wind, which is 7% of their total consumption.

(There are some articles which are perhaps newer claiming the U.S. has surpassed Germany.  I’ll try to check on these, but it doesn’t change the basic point.)

Germany also leads the world in solar power generation at 3,733 megawatts, a little over 1% of its entire amount of consumption.

Don’t hold your breath!

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