Villages of Springton Valley Community Park

This park is called “Jacob’s Creek Park” in the latest version of Lancaster ON THE MOVE! must have recently been renamed.  At the end of Sylvan Road in East Hempfield Township (near Rt 30 and Rohrerstown Road) is similar in some aspects to East Petersburg: a number of shorter spur paths that end on roads or cul-de-sacs.  It also has a small loop around the park area itself.  However, the branch to the right side of the park area is interesting.  Initially it passes betwen buildings, but then soon begins to rise up above the lower area of development and actually becomes quite steep at times.  It finally dead-ends at a fence and township sign at what might be Springton Way.  On the way back I caught a brief glimpse of another path to the west but did not see a direct connection.  This path is visible on aerial photpgraphy but does not appear to connect to anything else.

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